Oral Cancer Screening
One american dies every hour from oral cancer.
The Anerican Cancer Society estimates a 5.5% increase in new cases of oral cancer and a 1.5% increase in deaths associated with oral cancer.
And if you think you aren't at risk for oral cancer, think again: 25% of oral cancers occur in people who don't smoke and have no other lifestyle risk factors.
Oral cancer screening is key. Oral cancer is one of the most curable disease when it's caught early.
Early detection with ViziLite Plus makes it simple. Early detection tools mammograms, Pap smears and PSA tests have greatly reduced death rates for breast, cervical and prostate cancers.
Now our office has a screening technology to use in addtion to visual/manual screening methods.
An annual ViziLite Plus exam is performed immediately following a regular visual examination and is quick and painless.
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